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Do You Have Your KETO BASICS?
  • Keto Maple Pecan Granola
    Maple Pecan
    Keto Granola
  • Keto Blueberry Almond Granola
    Blueberry Almond
    Keto Granola
  • Keto Coconut Cashew Granola
    Coconut Cashew
    Keto Granola
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    Keto Pancake Syrup
  • keto pancake mix
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    Keto Brownie Mix

Category - Diet

The Difference Between Atkins and Keto

Diet, News

In the low-carb diet world, keto has often rivaled the Atkins diet, both of which primarily target weight loss. However, because both diets are low-carb, confusion is common regarding the differences between the two diets and the unique…

Just Because It Says It’s Keto Doesn’t Mean It’s Healthy

Diet, News

Research continues to show that the ketogenic diet may help to improve various neurological, metabolic, and insulin-related health conditions. Because of this, many people assume that all foods they see with “Keto” on the label are healthy. However,…

Groundbreaking Study Says the Sugar Rush Doesn’t Exist

Diet, News

For all of the benefits of keto dieting, one thing it does not claim to do is offer instantaneous energy boosts for that pre-exam crunch time or hours-long car drive. Of course, that’s not to say that keto…

17 Days is Just Long Enough to Do Nothing

Diet, News

If you run a web search for “lose weight fast,” you will no doubt find many people trying to sell you the latest crash diet craze. Most of these diets rely on incredibly restrictive, one-size-fits-all diets. They often…

Cheating on Keto Affects More Than We Realize

Diet, News

Let’s face it—when it comes to a diet, most people are looking forward to that one glorious day: the cheat day. You’ve made the decision to choose healthy eating practices; you’ve ditched carbs and highly processed foods; you’re…

Is Your Keto Dirty?

Diet, News

You know the first response many people have to the keto diet: “Eat nothing but fats?? That sounds great!!” After all, who wouldn’t want an excuse to pig out on loads of bacon and thick, juicy hamburgers? Since…

Non-Chocolate Chocolate Boasts Strong International Appeal

Diet, News

When choosing to go with a low-carb diet, a sweet tooth can present a significant obstacle. Fortunately, one company has made it possible to go low-carb while still (occasionally, at least) indulging the sweet tooth. If you have…

Why Cereal is Your Worst Breakfast Option

Diet, News

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Lots of Americans skip this meal, and even when they don’t, they opt for heaping bowls of refined carbs and added sugar. It’s no wonder so many…

5 Common Keto Mistakes to Avoid

Diet, News

People turn to the ketogenic diet for different fitness and health reasons. They might want improved athletic performance, increase their weight loss progress, or have more energy on a regular basis. All it takes is cutting carbs, right?…

Doing the Low-Carb Lifestyle the Right Way

Diet, News

Fad diets are a dime a dozen, and some might wonder if the rise of the keto diet and low-carb lifestyle means it’s just another fleeting quick-fix scheme. The secret, however, is a little more cut-and-dried. Many people…

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